Saturday, November 20, 2004

Cruel but true

Hey everyone this is a story that I was told from a close friend of mine R.C. We were standing around work late one night and we were talking about cruel jokes that we played on friends/family members when we were growing up well let me tell you, his story just about killed me with laughter. Imagine if you will, my friend R.C. and his brother were driving late going to Arizona I believe it was, anyways R.C. was the driver and his brother was the co- driver and they had been drinking earlier in the evening. So they are driving along hours go by and its dark outside probably around 2-3 in the morning well never the less R.C.'s brother had fallen asleep with the seat laid back so as time was passing by R.C. had gotten bored and started wondering what he could do to keep his brother awake well shortly their after the ideal hit him like a ton of bricks, R.C. pulled off into this truck stop where their were some truckers parked for the night to get some sleep well R.C looks for a rig with the biggest shinyiest grill and slowly pulled up to it and got extremely close then he then proceeded to turn on his brights so the car lights would shine back into the car he then slowly backed up about 20 feet and then put the car in drive then into neutral real qucik so he could cost R.C. then pushed down on his car horn and started to scream at the top of his lungs yelling OMG were going to die, by this time the car was closer to the truck lights shining into the car and his brother wakes up out of a dead sleep and sees this truckers grill coming straight for him and starts screaming as well and trys to crawl as fast as he can into the back seat of the car. And R.C's brother is about 6'5". Well never the less R.C. started to laugh so hard. It was then when his brother realized what was going on. R.C. brother started to kick his ass which R.C. says he deserved. So just picture that coming out of a dead sleep to awake to an on coming big rig coming straight at youand thinking your about to die. Talk about a heart pounding experience.

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