Tuesday, February 16, 2010

s Google Buzz a hit or just another flick

Google Buzz

"this story brought to you by funland"

Well we are talking about the new social feature launched by google – Buzz

A week or 2, back there were rumors going on web about a new service (social service) to be launched by google and a few days ago they launched it. Exciting new service, available both for computers and mobile, intergrated with inbox, launched by a company known for its featured products, easily reaching millions of users. These were some of the Pros for the Google (GOOG) to launch their new social networking featured product known as Buzz.

Below is the Launch video of the Google Buzz. No doubt well presented, audience full of excitement, live covered, excellent media coverage

Here is a Quick intro to the product

As explained in the video in todays world people share alot and most of the sharing take place on the net wioth friends, family, business people, academic sharing etc and these sharig are mostly done on Social sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, bebo, tagged etc and IMs. So in a world which is already dominated by these social services why would google will be interested to looking around and finding a place. May be this can be explained by Google newest acquisition confirmation of Aardvark reported by Techcrunch . Google is making its way to become next big social thing by launching Buzz and Aardvark acquisition and some tech already in place like Android mobile platform and its mobile browser and recent report saying Google paying Apple more than $100 million for search deal reported by Businessinsider.com

But rather than such a great plan Google can have a back slashed down turn because of the Missing feature reported in Buzz and also the Privacy concerns with the openness of the buzz to the whole world.

Some of the features reported missing were filters, lists, third parts support, speed up services, etc these can be read at ReadWriteWeb

And Privacy has been one of the most dicussed topic on the web soon after the privact setting chnages by Facebook and Traking of user’s web activity by google and Buzz can be a Fuzz ith its privacy flaw. The wrong thing with the Buzz is that it automaticaly add the people in your contacts as following and same happend with you that you will be followed by a person who has added you as a contact in his/her gmail contact list or has email you very often. And the other thing is that The information relating our network web on Buzz in freely available and anyone can see it without you having any clue.

These Privacy Flaw can be read at Businessinsider.com

To become a social platform google has to overcome this problem may be by resetting its privact feature and by launching a new platform on different website to be accessible by inbox only can sove the Missing Feature problem.

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